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Mi presento

On me...

I am a technology enthusiast who has accumulated many professional experiences, very significant, even if in apparently distant fields and which today information technology is able to relate through automation , programming , assisted design and, last but not least, the network. ...  


Here thoughts, experiences, memories, passions and jobs organized in such a way as to make the visitor discover character, acquired skills and potential talents that could be useful in order to possibly collaborate together.    


Whoever is here looking for information about me will first find a curriculum and a portfolio in which I summarize, with the utmost humility, my skills as an electrical installation engineer and maintenance technician in the field:

  • civil (residential and tertiary);

  • industrial (craftsmanship, production and steel industry),

  • nautical and naval .


I also gained some experience in different fields of computer science that can be verified by consulting my works of:

  • 3D modeling (development of 3D models for architecture, mechanics, prototyping and 3D printing, videogaming, etc.);

  • 3D animation (development of animations, simulations and applications for videogaming and advertising);

  • programming (creation of management and multimedia applications).

  • writing (web content creation, research and proofreading);

  • desktop publishing (layout, creation of digital magazines, browsable online publications, etc.);

  • advertising graphics (social awareness campaigns, commercial advertising campaigns, posters, flyers, etc.).


In the hope that everything is not too self-referential and pallid, I wish the visitor a good navigation between these pages.



I had enrolled in the VI ITIS of Naples in 1980, with an industrial mechanics address, both to satisfy my great passion in technical design  that to cultivate the secret dream of one day being able to design and build a robot like those of the mecha genre I saw on TV: Grendizer , Mazinger , Jeeg

Unfortunately my training was interrupted by a mournful one  personal event (1984 death of my mother) and consequently for economic reasons.

Thus it was that he managed to graduate from the same Institute in 1992 as an adult, working and studying and resuming his studies with the renunciation of the fourth year since the old address had been replaced with that of  Industrial automation .  


It wasn't easy, but it was great and I confess that I would do it all the same way (except for some sentimental drift). In the legendary Section L of VI ITIS I had excellent teachers and my classmates were those little brothers I always wanted to have. I was literally pampered and graduated with a decent 42/60 .  


I believed so much in the ideal of Culture, the one with a capital "C", that I enrolled at the age of 26 and without the beak of a penny in an expensive and demanding faculty like that of Architecture which for obvious reasons, despite the passion and efforts, I failed to complete.

I have never lost the love for studying, an activity to which I still dedicate a lot of time today in times of unemployment.

At the end of the last century I discovered information technology: it was a true love at first sight, started on the PC of an ex of mine (a Pentium MMX with a hundred megs of RAM!)  that he had bought it to write his degree thesis and that it became, in fact and for a long time, my machine ... LOL. DOS and Win 95 were running on it … What a time!  


Here are my three fundamental formative stages:


  • Attendance, courses and exams at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples " Federico II ", historical / technological area , 1992 / '95;


  • Regional Patent of Multilingual Programmer (C, C ++, Visual Basic) obtained at " Progetto Lavoro Srl ", Via A. Scarlatti, 69; 80127, Naples, 300 hours, year 2000.


Today I keep myself "in-format" through thematic television channels (such as RAI Scuola , RAI Storia and Focus ) and through the network using official sites of cultural institutions and digital magazines such as:



NB : over time the professional documentation will be updated on the basis of any new experiences acquired.

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Curriculum lavorativo elettricista aggiornato 28/12/2021

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Curriculum lavorativo informatica aggiornato 16/07/2021

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Like my school background, my career has been characterized, in spite of myself, by a series of setbacks and changes of direction.  


If on the one hand the job insecurity did not allow me to satisfy and fulfill sometimes trivial dreams and desires, on the other hand it trained me to adapt quickly to new jobs, to be as flexible and attentive as possible but above all to always look ahead.


I started working in a cleaning company at 18; then I learned to be a carpenter and an electrician . The period in which I resumed my studies I did everything: salesman in a Honda dealership, pony express, waiter, assistant cook, dog sitter, cleaning, etc.


From the end of the 90s to today I have always alternated electrical plant engineering works with various types of IT realizations (web content, graphics, programming, CAD, 3D modeling and rendering) and for a certain period I was an instructor for ECDL courses.  

After all, the contemporary world asks us to be multitasking otherwise the risk is to be cut off.


I have organized the pages of this site to offer the visitor a complete overview of my skills, starting from my activity as an electrician and adding the skills gained with the IT experience.  

In the Index below, the links to the various sections of the site with all the details relating to the various work activities accompanied by audiovisual supports, graphics, photo galleries, etc.

Content index

  1. Skills and experiences as an electrical installer

  2. Diary of missions

  3. 3D Animation Album 1;

  4. 3D Animation Album 2;

  5. CAD and 3D Modeling;

  6. Desktop publishing;

  7. Programming.

For those interested in a professional collaboration, you can download one of my two curriculum vitae, in PDF format, by clicking on the relative icon.


Job test
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Psychological profile

  • I thought it useful to publish the result of my JOB TEST carried out at , a very serious online job agency to which I am registered, because it fully reflects my personality.

  • I am not a mercenary looking for the best possible compensation; for me each new assignment is a planet to explore .

  • Perhaps this is also why I chose to be a transfer traveler because beyond work there are people and places to get to know, situations of common life to face. ​ Each person is a book to read with an experience to assimilate. All this has always aroused great curiosity in me. 



The "Explorers" never shy away from new challenges and always know that around every corner there is an opportunity for growth, not a defeat, however difficult the task they face. They engage in business enterprises in an enterprising way and know how to tolerate failure in a healthy and effective way

Creative style


Emotional intelligence

Analytical style

Planner style

Social self-efficacy

Leadership  authoritarian

Mental Openness



Emotional instability

External control locus

Social Desirability

Perception of personal worth






























Beloved reads

Favorite movies

My YT Channel


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