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3D animation portfolio

Per un appassionato di modellazione 3D, con SketchUp, e programmazione non ci può essere cosa più bella di MS Physics... Un piccolo, prodigioso plugin gratuito che trasforma il software di modellazione in uno studio di animazione basato sulla fisica newtoniana. Pazienza, fantasia e umiltà sono i tre ingredienti basilari per approcciare questa branca del CAD 3D...

On this page a series of posts about my creations of 3D models for videogames made with SketchUp and animated with the MS Physics plugin. These animation experiments were carried out in a Windows 7 environment and are still operating in Windows 10. In each post the visitor will find  the links  to download for free , upon registration on the Trimble site,  from my 3D Warehouse  The content of this collection of articles is structured as follows:

  • three posts related to i  animated vehicles that I made in 2018; in them I reported the development history, the functionalities and the Ruby code that allows them to function;  

  • two posts on the first free videogames development experiments or Free To PlayFTP,  in which I describe the modeling characteristics of the scenarios;

  • a post dedicated to Special Effects experiments developed for a game still under development;

  • a post that talks about the Rally track model developed to make most of the videos in this section.


1 - Animated vehicles

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Veicoli animati 1
Veicoli animati 2
Veicoli animati 3

2 - FTP games

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FTP games 1
No posts published in this language yet
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3 - Special EFX

Special EFX
FTP games 2
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4 - Test circuit for animated vehicles

Track for MSP

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