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Diary of work missions

Ogni viaggio è una nuova avventura! Viaggiare significa rinnovarsi! In questa pagina ho deciso di pubblicare una serie di post inerenti le missioni di lavoro in trasferta più belle e significative che ho vissuto come elettricista civile, industriale e navale.

Diari delle missioni.png

On this page I have decided to publish a series of posts concerning the most beautiful and meaningful business missions I have experienced. I decided to publish this cycle of posts because little is known about the life of a worker on the road and the difficulties he encounters on a daily basis. Mind you, it is not just a path made of difficulties, on the contrary: you discover new places, you learn a lot, you taste different cuisines from those you are used to, you earn quite well ... But the downside is there and it starts with nostalgia for the dearest loved ones and for all those habits, sometimes unhealthy, that you can indulge in at home, but that you must forget especially if you happen to share a room or an apartment with colleagues. Yes, because even with the colleague with whom you are most in tune, the nicest one, the scazzo, the quarrel is always lurking and the risk is that a short circuit is created between the stress of the construction site and the disagreements in the apartment, with all the repercussions on the construction site that can be imagined.

1 - Venice

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1 - Venice

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