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Copywriting & Desktop Publishing

Scrivere: che passione! La scrittura è sicuramente il mezzo più incisivo per comunicare concetti, idee, nozioni, intenzioni, passioni, risentimenti e quant'altro a qualcuno. Con la scrittura si creano film, fumetti, pubblicità, progetti politici e sociali, si creano e si stroncano carriere.

Desktop publishing.png

Writing: what a passion! Writing is certainly the most incisive way to communicate concepts, ideas, notions, intentions, passions, resentments and so on to someone. With writing, films, comics, advertisements, political and social projects are created, careers are created and crushed.


On this page I present my digital magazine project dedicated to technical graphics and computer-aided design; a hard and wonderful experience that put me in contact with dozens of people in almost every corner of the planet and that prompted me to read a lot of material dedicated to topics related to this particular branch of Computer Graphic.

On the page the visitor will find:

  • a post with an introduction to the foundation of the magazine and the publication of the very first issues of CADzine;

  • a post with the photo galleries of the magazine covers;

  • a post with the photo galleries of free advertising inserts

  • the links to the official website of the publication.

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La rivista

Le cover

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Cover 3
Cover 2
Cover 1

La pubblicità

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pubblicità 2
pubblicità 1
Pubblicità 3

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